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El País de les Aigües Tranquil·les


Nàdia is a very curious eight-year-old girl, who is much more mature than other children her age. She is more aware and asks herself why things happen. At the same time, however, she is very affected by the emotional state of those around her and those who love her, she is very observant and knows how to put herself in other people’s shoes, she needs the physical contact of hugs, but is easily overwhelmed by strong lights and smells, rough fabrics or noises, which leads to negative overstimulation that she would soon learn to manage thanks to a very special friend who takes her to see her calm and tranquil country where all the inhabitants are highly sensitive and are part of a more advanced and happier civilisation. Will Nàdia learn to replenish her energy when her body asks her to? Yes, this little heroine will find spaces of solitude and will breathe consciously in order to start again and be able to help those in need.


Author: Anna Cortils Munné

Illustrations: Liliana Boffi


Language: Catalan

Number of pages: 72 two inks

Enquadernation: Rustic

Dimensions: 150 x 215 mm

Publication date: 05/2021

ISBN: 978-84-96199-40-8

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