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Disset Edició


En Lluc descobreix la metamorfosi


Lluc is a very curious bull who is discovering everything around him. On this adventure, he discovers one of the most awe-inspiring changes in the natural world: metamorphosis. Strolling through the Serra de Tramuntana, he meets Madó Ferreret, who explains the metamorphosis that frogs undergo as they grow. Later, walking along the Punta de n’Amer, he meets a friendly caterpillar with whom he discovers the most spectacular transformation of all: the change from caterpillar into butterfly.


Author: Pepmi Garau


Language: Catalan

Number of pages: 24 four inks

Enquadernation: Rustic

Dimensions: 240 x 240 mm

Publication date: 05/2021

ISBN: 978-84-96199-41-5

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