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Luis Maraver


El viatge infinit


Prologue by Gabriel Janer Manila: Luis Maraver is also a stubborn traveller. He often set off to see the world, to explore the subconscious of peoples and landscapes. He knows that life offers thousands of adventures to those who want them and he enjoys discovering new places, other men and women, perceiving diversity and, at the same time, knowing that we are all the same, but different. Discovering others and knowing how to see what there is of ourselves in others. But the journey is what matters most to the traveller. The scents along the way and the shadows of the villages he passes through, the curiosity, the longing to discover other worlds. And the need to know how others see you, even if you have only met them in passing. Maraver, the painter-traveller, shows us the drawings he did along the way, while telling us the colour of his perspective. The travelogues are the account of his adventure.


Author: Luis Maraver

Text: Pere Joan Martorell


Language: Catalan

Number of pages: 196 four inks

Enquadernation: hardback

Dimensions: 300 x 240 mm

Publication date: 10-06-2017

ISBN: 978-84-89754-74-4

DL: PM 638-2017


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