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Disset Edició


La veritable història de la lletera


This is a story of overcoming adversity and empowerment. The traditional tale of “La Lletera” [the milkmaid] conveyed to us the idea that wishful thinking and daydreams can lead us to lose everything. Margalida Vinyes continues the tale, as she considers that part of this message is discouraging, it undermines the drive and initiative, especially of girls, who hold back from wanting a future due to a lack of confidence.

Now it is the lletera who tells us the true story of what happened after she spilt the milk on the floor: as a result of this event and encouraged by her mother, the main character pulls herself together, analyses, rectifies and changes everything she has learnt and continues to work with passion and tenacity in pursuit of her dream.


* The book includes a teaching guide for educators, with reading suggestions and activities. The guide can be downloaded free of charge using the QR code on the front cover.


Author: Margalida Vinyes


Language: Catalan

Number of pages: 32

Enquadernation: Hardback

Dimensions: 26 x 20 cm

Publication date: 09/2021

ISBN: 978-84-96199-43-9

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