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Disset Edició


La pitjor pel·lícula del món


Novel·la Gràfica


While the Franco regime is in the midst of discovering the economic wonders of tourism and opening up to the outside world, Majorca is the set for a film with the best possible ingredients: a great story by the prestigious writer John Fowles (among the best English novels of the 20th century, according to critics), and four stars from American and European cinema at its height. But Anthony Quinn, Michael Caine, Anna Karina and Candice Bergen could not avoid disaster, and The Magus was only (only?) the name of a beach and a cult film later rediscovered by refined film enthusiasts.


Authors: Josep R. Cerdà i J.A. Mendiola


Language: Catalan and Spanish

Number of pages: 96 two inks

Enquadernation: rustic

Dimensions: 240 x 170 mm

Publication date: 03/2021

ISBN: 978-84-96199-35-4

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