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Disset Edició


En Noah i na Dix


El misteri de la dislèxia


My name is Noah and I always have this strange creature with me wherever I go. Adults call it dyslexia, but all I know is that it bothers me when I have to do homework and it just wants to play. While I fight with the creature because it won’t let me write, the paper starts to glow and a voice invites us to enter a fantasy world. Will we find a way to work together to write the essay we are struggling with? Can dyslexia really be tamed?



Text: Carlos Llecha Jofre

Illustrations: Kiko Sebastià Costa


Language: Catalan and Spanish

Number of pages: 56

Enquadernation: rustic

Dimensions: 215 x 215 mm

Publication date: 06/2020

ISBN: 978-84-96199-26-2

DL: PM 259-2020